
Big Bends LLC was founded in 2001.

In an “obsessive quest” to keep his guitars in tune, Jeff Massey (company founder) realized “friction” was the cause of virtually ALL tuning (pitch drift) problems. He found going out of tune while playing the guitar (or any stringed instrument) is almost always the direct consequence of “friction” acting upon the “fulcrum/pivot points of the floating bridge and the string bearing surfaces of the bridge, nut and string guides.

After 10 years of experiments and improvements in both lubricants and applicators, the Nut Sauce Filled Groove Luber, guitar tuning lubricant, was created. Today, Big Bends is still on a quest to bring the “Tech in a Tube” to every stringed instrument Artist, Builder and Repair Tech who has ever struggled with getting and staying in tune and breaking strings.

Big Bends manufacturing and shipping location: Plainwell, Michigan USA

Friends of Big Bends Nut Sauce

I saw an angel spread it’s wings
Then the feathers turned to strings
It played a chord then melody
A precious gift to humanity


My good friend Hoogie is shown here. When this picture was taken he was with Theory of a Dead Man. As of the publication of this picture, 11-5-06, he is with Breaking Benjamin. The Tee shirt he is wearing is promoting his company Wett Boxx.


Walter Trout is an earth shattering blues/rock guitarist and never plays without Nut Sauce.

Thanks Walter, from Big Bends


Doug Rappoport Lead Guitarist for Edger Winter


Bob Kisielius of Barrelhouseblues.com


Erik Fincher – Guitar Tech – Static X


Blue Cheers Andrew “Duck” MacDonald & Dickie Peterson fightin’ over a Lil Hum’r.

Gotta luv it!


Craig Pattison and David Robertson.

Guitar Techs – Bryan Adams


Will Ray and Jeff – can you tell I’m happy to be there? Will is one of my favorite players! And he never changes his strings without using Big Bends Nut Sauce. Hear Will Ray blaze, shred, bend and slide on the Hellecasters. THANKS WILL!!


Michael Manning and Kevin Dugan – Guitar Techs – Joe Satriani and Michael Anthony


Doc Coyle – Guitar Tech – God Forbid


There’s no way for Big Bends to thank these guys enough. While in harms way, they took the time to get this picture to us – THANK YOU!


John Bowman is the very clean & tasteful Lead Guitarist of CoalTrain.

Check out their hit single “Hillbilly Hottie”.


Grape – Guitar Tech – Lamb Of God


Mark Mcgee Lead Guitarist for Luv Planet and Duane Allman and Friends


On the right is Lee Dickson. Lee has been Eric Clapton’s Guitar Tech for about the last 28 years. Lee makes sure every guitar Eric plays has first been set up with Big Bends Nut Sauce. Jeff from Big Bends is on the left.


Louis Williams is the Guitar Tech for Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd.


Jerry Donahue is one of the top players of all time.

When I first saw Jerry play live I was left speechless. At that time, I had never seen anyone bend the string behind the nut which seems second nature to Jerry. After playing, Jerry walked up where I was standing with his guitar still on. I had never seen a player the caliber of Jerry and I was not able to speak and I mean I was struck dumb. He walked up to me and I could only point at the nut on his telly (it was black from years of pencil lead). Jerry said “that’s called the nut”. At that point I found my voice and gave him a little glass bottle of Nut Sauce. The next time I saw him he said he “threw all the pencils out of his house”. Jerry is a true believer in Big Bends Nut Sauce. You can hear Jerry on all the Hellecaster CDs, the Ventures, and countless other recordings. Check out Jerry’s latest collaboration “The Gathering”.


Greg E. Noll is the guitarist for the Melodic Heavy Metal Band “Crazy Ivan” out of Tuolumne California. (Greg might be a psychotherapist in disguise).